Sunday, July 20, 2014

Weekend Recap and Plans for This Week

Happy Sunday y'all!!

I usually don't weekend recap until Mondays, but I know tomorrow is going to be crazy busy at work so, here you are, a weekend post.  

I really love the weekends after a really hard week at work.  Like yes, there's time for a little downtime, but most of the time, I like to keep myself busy.  So here's what I've done the past 2 days.

I got a massage! I had a gift certificate that I needed to use so yesterday was the day.  Massage is SOOOOOOOOOOO important.  I am guilty of not doing it enough, but it's really a good part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Case in point, yesterday, the massage therapist was working on my shoulders and she was like "you have a great muscular structure, you should definitely have a massage once a month if you are working out a lot, it will help you recover faster".  DONE, sister, I'll be back in 4 weeks :)  I'm pretty sure that I can find a way in my budget to work this into my "Rebecca Fun" money.

Speaking of budgets, not to get all adult and all on a weekend, but ours was in need of some serious overhaul.  We just use our debit cards a lot and Mr. I Don't Like Leftovers definitely goes through a lot of drive-throughs.  Try being healthy around someone that eats at Taco Bell like 5 times a week.  UGH.  I digress... 

So I sat down last night, instead of throwing back shots (not like I'd normally be doing that), and I revamped our $$$ and decided we're going to try an envelope system for a bit.  We definitely need to use it for things like gas, groceries, eating out, and just small things like "oh, I want some new mascara".  As for Mr. Drive Through, I mentioned this concept. "So you'll get x amount of dollars each week and then when you run out, you can take turkey sandwiches and pretzels to lunch that I buy anyway each week! Doesn't that sound awesome?".  Queue the side eye :)

Just kidding, J is pretty good about letting me handle the money matters, but we needed some more self-control.  And we're getting rid of cable, something I've wanted to do FOREVER.   I think it's a good change though, we need more money in the bank account.

I cooked some yummy food!  Summer pasta with squash, goat cheese, basil and garlic.  OH and let's not forget the turkey bacon.  Which makes everything better.

This one is red curry veggies and will be my lunch for a few days over rice. 

I walked the dog...A LOT.  So since Boone has been feeling so much better, he LOVES a long walk.  And he like stares at me in the face from the floor until a I take him some days.  And I can't say no to this face.

Anyway, we walked the neighborhood twice yesterday, so that was about 4 miles.  And then I lifted some weights and did a small circuit on my porch in the morning and then this afternoon.  It was good times.

Right now, he just ate some rice from the trash and has rice all over his face and is twirling in a circle for no reason.  Meaning, must take the dog out before he twirls himself to death.

What do you guys do to keep sane on the weekends?  Do you totally chillax and veg out or do you keep yourselves busy, see all your friends and just keep on trucking right into Monday?

Upcoming plans for this week will be some updates on running, why it's important to lift weights, and just healthy eating and staying on track.  Until next time, enjoy your last few hours of freedom!

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