Sunday, April 6, 2014

Making it work!

Little bit of a serious post for your Sunday.  Prefacing the week with some goal making, so I'll be posting more workouts and cleaning eating posts this week. (YAY!)
You guys know my story.  You've read about how I was teaching spin, but getting chubby, and continuing to eat/drink bad things while falling in love.  Hence the inspiration for the blog name.
It wasn't until last April that I got serious about my health and starting to do something about it.  I joined a great training program and was working out 3-4 times a week, and had wonderful trainers that helped me see some amazing things happen with my body and my mind.  I was lifting heavy weight and watching cool things happen to myself.  A lot of people took notice.  I was feeling pretty awesome.
And then a little thing called "life" happened.  J and I were amazingly happy after a wonderful wedding, honeymoon, and then a return to normal life.  We did the normal thing of getting a dog and making him our first official furry baby together. 
In the midst of all of that, I started to put on the happy pounds again.  It's funny, gaining weight is like an out of body experience.  You can see it happening kind of like you're watching yourself from the ceiling. You know that your pants are really fitting anymore.  I could see my cheeks getting a little chubby again.  You do more deep knee bends to get your fave jeans on. 

Here's where things get interesting.  I tried going back to the gym.  I desperately tried to motivate myself to attend the same training classes.  There were some changes.  A lot of my previous trainers had moved on to other adventures.  The program itself was changing.  Being an instructor myself, I know that life is not always going to stay the same and that programs need some renovation from time to time.  So it's fine, but with those things happening, I just got really far away from wanting to step foot into a facility.  I haven't taught in a few months, but that's ok.  I don't have a regular class anymore, but I'm ok with that.  I taught to inspire other people, not myself. I will always identify with being a teacher/instructor and have cherished that time in my life. 

Jarrett and I are saving lots of money these days for things like a house, paying off debt, and having fun money to be able to treat ourselves to vacations.  We recently lost a car to a small car accident, so we needed to re-evaluate the money situation.  All the while, I knew that paying money for a program that I wasn't even going to anymore wasn't a good idea.
So I did a thing that was a little scary for me.  I decided to walk away from the training program that impacted my life for so many months.  It was a tough call, but I knew it was a good call. I had built up a great little community of friends and still keep in touch with them.  Training was a great avenue for my blog to earn some readership.  I think it's a wonderful program and I know it will continue to impact members with positive changes.  I wasn't very public about it, but it was time to move on. 
So no more chalkboard WOD posts.  Not unless I spray paint a wall in my condo!
I'm big on working out with other people. I feel like you are held accountable, and other people can watch you get stronger, motivate you, live with you through your changes.  It was hard, but I had this crazy itch to get back to doing things on my own. I know it's really easy to like pick up the remote and a cupcake and then say you'll do it later.  But I had watched so MANY of the girls in my blog-sphere lose a ton of weight, all while doing this on their own.  Walking, running, workout DVDs, maybe some free gym sessions from time to time.  I knew that it was time to take control of things myself, and that crap can be scary as hell.  But I remind myself that there was a time where I ran, did races, and lifted weights in my living room and was a size 6.  It's definitely do-able.
In the midst of making this decision for myself, a guy that I used to work out with reached out to me on Facebook about an accountability group.  And I was like "wow, God really does work in mysterious ways, that's what I need".  People that are posting their stories of fitness and success, but most of them aren't using a gym.  They are making it work because they have real lives, kids, schedules, jobs, and they need a community that will support them through the ups and downs. 
I feel like it's time to be real again.  Real to the point to where I share myself publicly.  I've been hiding the past few months because I've felt kinda fluffy.  But it's amazing the small changes I've seen in starting to work out on my own.  I've rediscovered my love for running.  And while I can't go very far, I love getting back outdoors and just clearing my head.  I don't mind blowing the dust off my P90X DVDs and giving it another shot.  My accountability group is about to start a big clean eating challenge soon, so I'll post details about that soon.

The thing is you guys, you have to make it work for you.  You can't force yourself to go to Zumba class if you don't love it.  You can't become a runner overnight, it happens with time.  You have to learn what works best for your.  And you have to be ok with life happening, but at the same time, you have to not let yourself go.  You have to be strong for yourself and for your family.  And that's exactly what I plan to do.
So I ate some French fries today at lunch.   But I'm also about to lace up and go run three miles this evening. 

What are you doing to make it work?
Happy Sunday y'all!

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