Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday Randomness

I for reals thought Friday would never get here.  I like begged and pleaded for it to show up and it HERE!

Ok so it's the freakin' weekend, and we all know what that means.  Booze and bad food decisions! YAY!

Not so much.

So true story, last night I went to a work happy hour and since there was free stuff all over the place, I felt like a kid given a free pass to Disney when there's no people there.  I was like "ALL THE THINGS! BEER! WINE! OMG MOZZARELLA BALLS WITH MARINARA!"

I had a pretty bad night of eating and some slight drinkage.  I mean when stuff is free, I just want it in and around my mouth. 


Jump to this morning, bright and sunny spring day dawns with a headache reminiscent of last night's fun.  And some super attractive stomach bloat was definitely going on. 

Since I've joined my accountability group, I feel like everyone gets on the Facebook and encourages everyone to the point to where I'm like "Dang, these people are my online friends and are like more encouraging than some of my real friends!"  But every single day, I see someone backing up another person.  It's amazing! I love it.

I managed to drag myself out of bed, hair sticking straight up and shuffle over to my condo's little gym.  Nobody was there at first to watch me suffer.  Then some old ladies showed up and were like "how do these treadmill things work, OH you have to plug them in!".  That was my queue to quickly get the crap out of there to avoid random old ladi-ness.

I stole a workout from Nerky Meg called The Elevator Workout.  Meaning, after you do it, there will be no stairs that you will want to climb that day.  You can check it out here: Nerky's Elevator Workout!

There was sweat all over the floor and in my eyes and like sliding down to places I didn't know sweat would go.  Needless to say, 3 hours later, I'm feeling pretty peppy, have managed to rehydrate, and even though I'll be walking like I rode a horse today, it was worth it.  

So the randomness for this Friday's post is the fact that it's Friday, I'm off of work and totes could have slept in and gotten up at 12, but I didn't.  I could rolled around in the bed and felt horrible for myself, but I didn't.  I got up, I did something, and even that something impressed this little old ladies as I was sprinting on the treadmill for 10 minutes.  The thing is guys, progress happens because you make it happen, not because you just expect it to rock your world.  You have to do things like get up on Saturday and go to the gym, or run, or lift some weights. Or not eat crappy foods. 

Until next time guys, enjoy your weekend!

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