Monday, March 23, 2015

Staying fit while growing a bunch of bananas...

Happy Monday! This week is a big milestone.  Last week of the 2nd trimester, REALLY hard to believe that. This is what my pregnancy tracker on my phone said this morning.  Baby is the size of a bunch of bananas, about 2 pounds right now!  Hard to believe, I remember when she was just a jelly bean with tiny fish fins (or at least that's what she looked like). 

So I never thought that my blog would take on the shape of a mom/wife blogger, because there's definitely still a sense of fitness behind what I'm doing.  But it has taken on that form, and I'm ok with that, and hope you guys are too.  Blogging while pregnant has been tough, there's just never enough time. I do find myself wanting to stay more mentally and emotionally fit these days, because for real you guys, growing a little one is hard on EVERYTHING.  

One of the things I was most proud of prior to getting pregnant was joining an online fitness group.  We live all over the U.S. and we check in and keep each other accountable.  It was so awesome to see progress with so many people that I had never met.  I only know one couple that maintains the group, and they are awesome fitness pals of mine, and have an adorable little boy.  Yesterday, after 6 months of not checking in, I decided to post to the group on how I'm doing.  And this is the truth.  I've managed to stay active.  Some days are better than others. I'm not like throwing around heavy things like I used to, but I walk and do a lot of Pilates and barre workouts (thank you YOUTUBE). I eat well and fuel myself.  Sometimes, I fuel myself only with Nutella.  But that's only for a morning, maybe a snack. As of my last appointment, I was only up 13 pounds, which is amazing considering I pretty much can't see my feet right now and my back every night makes me feel like I'm carrying a baby blue whale.  All and all, a pretty uneventful, easy and wonderful pregnancy.

Standard bathroom selfie to show of your growing round tummy.  OH and I got a new haircut, LOVE IT!  Except someone the other day was like "oh I love your "mom" cut" and I had to like restrain myself from wanting to hurl my coffee mug at the face from which that came from.  Pregnancy hormones will make you feel that way...and then I ate some food and felt better.

For real though, I got some great feedback and encouragement from my fitness pals and I thought I would share how I've managed to work a full time job, be a (semi) decent wife, and also through fitness and clean eating into my world.  I've discovered what works best for me and I stick to it. 

EXERCISE: I stick mainly to walking, some light running, and a lot of Pilates/Barre routines that can be done while pregnant.  The strength I've managed to keep in my legs and abs has really helped me some days with back pain.  Lots of lunges and squats.  My one problem area right now is my arms, they've gotten a little bat-wing-ish.  Or FARMS as I like to call them.  Fat Arms.  Nothing terrible, but I don't have weights at home, so I have to get creative. There not where I want them to be, but I have a feeling lifting a growing baby will take care of that at some point :)

I also have fallen in love with prenatal yoga, especially with starting to get bigger.  It's just so good for you and Lila Eve loves it too.  Lots of kicks while doing some good stretches.  I was a huge yoga buff back in college and got fairly serious about practicing. I had a wonderful professor that just taught me so much. I even did hot yoga for awhile when I was running a ton, totally was in the best shape of my life.  Flexibility is key, pregnant or not. But seriously, right now I'm sitting here with candles lit on the floor after finishing up a 30 minute session and it feels great!

FOOD: Do I splurge? Yes.  I eat some form of ice cream almost every night.  Do I cheat? You betcha. Nutella is my cheat meal, with a spoon, from the jar...don't judge me.  But am I still eating good food that fuels my body? Absolutely! I've kind of adopted the philosophy of eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper.  #1, it helps tremendously with heartburn, sheesh, this baby girl better have a head full of hair. #2, I have the most energy in the morning, so I fuel myself best at this time.  I have small snacks during the day.  I have craved fruit, so I can wolf down some strawberries and pears like nobody's business right now.  I basically eat the same things as before, lots of lean protein, but I am eating more carbs now because it's what feels good to me. 

REST: Sleep is key these days.  And it's hard, there are days where I want to fall asleep in my desk chair for an hour and hope nobody notices.  I try to go to bed early.  I definitely am noticing it's more uncomfortable now, so I sleep in what's basically a pillow fort.  Sometimes, I nap in my car.  Just go drive somewhere and lay down.  

RELAXING: Pregnancy can be stressful.  Hormones are no joke, they will make you want to cry one minute, and then hug your neighbor the next. Things like money and "oh GOD how are we going to do this?" are common thoughts I have.  But since I officially have 3 months left to go, I'm learning there is stuff I can't control.  Like.....will I have a C Section? Is she ok in there? Epidural or no? How many football games can we make it to this year and not lose our minds?  Relaxing is key, and I'm definitely having to force myself to chill some days.  I've done better with work.  It's the whole giving birth and a whole new life with 3 people instead of 2 that makes me anxious.  But Saturday, I did manage to have a prenatal massage, and it was AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG and I will be doing that at least once a month until Lila Eve is born.  So worth it.  I fell asleep after (that table is SO WARM and cozy, how do I get my bed to feel like that!) and I also might have drooled on the pillow.  Most definitely doing that again!

OH and Essential Oils.  If you guys want the scoop on that, you can message me, I won't go into all the deets, but I will say that lavender oil has saved me a few times with sleeping, and also with just any feelings of anxiety.  If you guys want any ideas on what to use for headaches, aches and pains, even just tension and stress, I can get you the info. My mom is a big big fan of them and they will most likely make an appearance in the delivery room.  But I promise I won't be like super flower child! I already said to my mom that my doctor may think we're a bunch of hippies when we roll up in the hospital with our box of oils:

I know you guys are going.... essential oils....YOGA?! What in the world? But hey, it works for me.  I'm loving feeling this good this far along.  

Hope you all have a wonderful week, I'll try to check in a little more often as I can over the next few weeks before the butterbean makes her appearance in June!

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