Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ch Ch Ch Changes......

Hey guys! Is it really Wednesday already?  Time is flying.  Thank GOODNESS because I've been ready for Friday since Monday before I woke up.  Clock stroke midnight on Sunday, and this is how I've felt.
I'm having the worst Monday since last Monday.
I've kind of accidentally had a chance to eat healthy and make a few changes in my diet this week.  For real, who accidentally plans to eat healthy.  Normally, I purposefully plan to eat terrible. Part of this little change up is due to the fact that my work schedule only allows me about 4.3 minutes to eat lunch.  So this means no long lunches, no going out to eat, just bring your food right to the office and nuke that shizzz.
My leftovers have been plentiful since I've cooked a lot (planning ahead is key).   I just pack up a tupperware full of food items and a small snack and fruit and that's my entire day.
This is also super! Who knew!
Breakfast has also changed.  I have been skipping lately since I've been in a hurry, so I've upped the protein with whey chocolate protein shakes.  Which is good for other things.  They're super quick, just mix them up and drink them down. Protein pancakes are fast becoming a fun and easy trend, and I'm planning to make a batch of those this weekend.  Check out Mama Laughlin from today on how to make these.  They look yummy and super easy!
Since I haven't had a chance to get in the gym this week, I've really focused on the things going into my body.  Sure, I've done some elevator squats and taken the stairs and parked really far, but we all know that you can't out-train/out-walk/out-lunge a bad diet.
The coolest part of this accidental healthy eating kick is that I stepped on our work scale in the bathroom today...and I'm down 5 pounds! YAY ME!
This is all old news, you guys know how to eat right.  French fries = greasy, jiggly butt.  And they contain a ton of salt.
Funny Cry for Help Ecard: I'm lowering my sodium levels by crying in my chili cheese fries.
The one major difference I can tell is in how I feel.  Two weeks ago, during my January Slump, I was sluggish, bloated, and pretty cranky.  Well, I'm still cranky (thanks to lady things), BUT, I have way more energy and feel like I can stay awake past 7 PM now. 
Key point guys, eat well, feel well.  Pretty simple concept.
Next week once work calms down some and I am on a little better schedule, I'll be back to posting WOD posts! Stay tuned for some fat blasting/strength building workouts and some updates on progress!
And guess what starts tomorrow...Winter Olympics 2014!!! Get your daily Olympics Theme Song fix by just turning on The Today Show.  Start your morning with it feeling like you should be carrying a flag out of your house and waving to all of Russia! (but not like Sarah Palin did, that's just silly).

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