Friday, September 2, 2016

Coming Down

Y'ALL! I did it! I officially had the exit interview, I turned in my laptop and all my things and came home and cooked dinner for once! And spent time with my little tiny tornado until she went to bed.  And then watched football, but was so tired that I fell asleep at half-time.  Didn't even get to see our first win live,, but it's ok, Mama was tired.  I even slept in this morning during a torrential downpour and loved it.

Well, not really "in", because I had to get up with a toddler at 6:30, but nonetheless, having some time in bed snuggling with her without the usual morning rush was really nice.  She did manage to elbow me in the face a few times, it's like sleeping inside your dryer when a toddler decides to join you in your bed.  

Image result for sleeping in with toddler ecards

We did manage to make it to the grocery store in the tropical storm and make it back in one piece.  It was not super crazy like I thought it would be, but, there was one point when the wind and rain made the lights flicker and I had a near panic attack.  We managed to make it out alive and not drenched.  I call that a mommy win.

Now that LE is down for a nap (AFTER WALKING A FEW STEPS, YAY!), I am having a chance to sit here and reflect on this week.  It's been a big one, which I already wrote about on Wednesday night.  Yesterday was a little more emotional than I anticipated.  I had to hold back some tears with certain friends, because I've seen them every day for the better part of 5 years.  They have influenced me and taught me so much.  When I told my team good-bye, they all grabbed their cowbells and rang them on my way out, and I felt like Rocky Balboa! It was such a good feeling to feel so loved. 

That being said, I had MAJOR plans today to do thing like deep clean my house, do 4 loads of laundry, and cook a gourmet meal.  Well, #1, daycare being closed slightly derailed that plan.  But as soon as I got up this morning, I wrote in my journal and the one thing that I heard over and over in my head was "rest".  REST?! Um I have so much to do around here! I just couldn't imagine sitting around in the quiet not doing much of anything. 

But that's exactly what I'm doing right now.  I've got the Food Network on, toys in the floor, and laundry piled high to fold.  I'll get to it.  But for now, I'm enjoying being able to write again and share my daily dose of nonsense with everyone.  I may not get it right all the time in life, but I like to think that I've had some good and bad experiences that I can share and maybe inspire someone.  

Coming down from such a big change in life is like coming off of bike ramp at full speed, but then you slow down and come to a stop and think hmmmmm, now what? That's exactly where I am.  I have 10 days until my new job starts, but in that time, I have a good plan.  Here goes. 

I'm going to start those 10 days with prayer and sending love to those around me.

I'm going to buy Starbucks for the person in line behind me and hope they have a great day. 

I'm probably going to take MULTIPLE trips to my fave store Target and try and redecorate my humble abode. 

I'm going to pay attention to my husband more, cook some real meals, and have a date night or two.  We don't get to do that often enough, but for all he does for me, I'm going to put some time back into our life together as a couple.

I'm going to write more and change my blog name and design (if anyone knows good web designers that need a new project, let a sister know). 

I'm going to have lunch with friends I haven't seen in while and enjoy their company.

I'm going to put my cell phone away and just get quiet. 

I'm going to make it to the gym 4 times a week next week! (I've sucked at it lately, hard to go when you're wrapping things up at work). 

Last but not least, I'm going to spend some time by myself just thinking and planning.  Writing down my goals.  Learning all I can about what I'm about to do.  

These next 10 days, I'm finally going to rest. 

Happy Friday you guys! 

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