Wednesday, August 31, 2016

My 100th Post!!!

Hi guys!

It's me.....Rebecca D. I know, WHO you ask? It's been awhile. But fear not, the return of regular posting is coming to you starting now!

This week marks a culmination of a lot of awesome things and why not share about it with my 100th blog post?!?!?!?!?!?

First of all, my sweet nugget is 15 months old tomorrow and I am floored every single day at what a fun little girl she was become. A year ago, she was so small, giggly and sometimes gassy. Today, she is in full force toddler mode, trying to walk, pointing, talking, and holding my hand while saying "mama, mama". Though toddler-hood is frustrating and very daunting, I LOVE watching her morph into her own person. She is very headstrong (maybe stubborn is a more accurate term), fiercely independent, eats anything you put in front of her, and loves her daddy.

I die at the cuteness. Seriously, She is so sweet and funny...and stubborn. But I said that already. I digress.

Second of all, I just sat here and did a Facebook purge and I feel SO GOOD ABOUT IT. Recently, I've just felt this need to not have one million friends. Rather, I'd like to cherish the 5 good friends I have (and my biffy of course, Jarrett), and spend my real time with them. Something about trying to be a better friend and wife has really hit home with me lately. I don't need 910 friends. I don't need to know, random person from high school, what drama you're having very publicly with your ex. Super sorry to all of you that can't read this now. Maybe I'm not sorry.

Sorry, not sorry.


Lastly, I'm wrapping up my last week at my full time job, and will be starting a new job on 9/12. It's been a bittersweet week for me. I started packing up my desk and pictures today and had to stand there and reflect for a moment.  First of all, it's CRAZY what you accumulate in your desk drawers in that amount of time.  There was a random jump rope in one drawer, and a casserole dish in another.  
Who does that? 

I've been at this job for 5.5 years. Well, technically 8, I was there for 2.5 before, left, came back, and now 5.5. You do the math. However you spin it, I've been there a long time. It's where I've built a family of friends that I really care about and have met some really amazing people. It's been my home and people have watched me get engaged, get married and have a baby. While yes, there was always stress and normal job issues that come with the territory of a growing company, it was a good place for me to grow. Moving onto the next adventure is going to be truly amazing and even though I'm slightly sad to leave my comfort zone, I can't help but feel this burst of energy that I can put into my new project.

I feel like my latest theme in the life of R. Davis has been determination.  I've been through a lot in the past 6 months, some good, some bad, but all of it was a lesson in iron will and determination each and every day. I was reading through a few versus tonight and came across this one, and it really hit home with me:

2 Chronicles 15:7 "But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work."

Not that I feel like I deserve any type of reward, trophy, or prize for what I've done (JUST BUY ME TACOS). Rather, I think about how I've tried to reward myself lately.  I've started to put my physical health first again for the first time in quite awhile.  The reward for that is watching my jeans fit better and better each week.  I've started spending quality time alone in the mornings praying and asking for wisdom, and MAN, has that started to come to me recently.  That time alone gives me a moment to recharge before I hit the ground running everyday.  It gives me time alone to journal and think about how to be a reflection of love to everyone around me.  That is another reward that has come back to me in so many ways. 

My reward for 8 years is not a plaque, or recognition or a speech to a crowd.  It's leaving a company knowing I did a good job and helped people as much as I could.  Did I want to do it every day? Heck no! Some days were tougher than others.  Other days, I just wanted to eat tacos and hide in my house.  But that is everyone at some point in their adult lives.  It's the realization that people don't want me to go that serves as my reward.  Nothing compares to that.  I'm truly humbled. 

So there is my 100th post.  A little sappy, yes, but I can't help it.  It's been an awesome ride. STOKED for what is next!

Stay tuned, new things like a new blog name are possibly coming your way! Happy Wednesday all!