Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

First of all, shout out to all the mommies today, new moms, moms to be, grandmothers and our sweet mothers that brought us into the world.  You guys do amazing things EACH and every day and as a new mommy to be, I'm seeing up front what it's like to put someone else first for once.  It's like marriage, but scarier, because there's a tiny human involved depending on you for everything. 

So first and foremost, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY 2015 to all of you ladies out there! My mom and I make this joke a lot, I only thought it was appropriate to post since we've said this for so many years.

I think that it's been a few weeks (possibly months) since the last post.  I was 26 weeks the last time and now I'm a large and bulbous 34 weeks. REALLY hard to believe that this little nugget is entering our lives next month.  It's gone by so fast! I look back and I'm like "Man! I wish I would have documented this more" but I've been so busy and I feel like now I'm scrambling to finish the nursery, install all the safety things, get a breast pump and learn how to use it.  But it will get done.   So far, this is what the crib looks like all put together.  EEK SO CUTE! 

I've also been humbled in the last few weeks and it's all stuff that's like really FUN to talk about with other women.  I've learned that the physical challenges of pregnancy are completely insane and I guess I should have realized at some point I wouldn't be able to touch my toes.  Or easily just "hop" in my car.  Or stand up without feeling like my pelvis would fall on the floor. 

Here are a few things that I've realized in the past 8 weeks since feeling like a cute pregnant lady to now waddling around like I'm birthing a baby whale:

1) Shaving your legs (or anything) while pregnant should be an Olympic sport and gold medals should definitely be given out on a podium while the national anthem plays in the background (correction, chocolate medals, wrapped in gold foil).

2) Painting your toenails should also be a competitive Olympic sport, I have felt like one of those Cirque du Soliel contortionists a few times.  I finally opted for a pedicure 2 weeks ago and it was AH-MAH-ZING!

3) Sleeping comfortably is super hard. I'm surrounded by a pillow fort every night. I'm sure Jarrett is ready to lose all of those bed companions soon because he has to search for me every morning and find me.

4) Acid reflux SUCKS and there is no cure or relief at all.  Except eat less and sleep on aforementioned pillow fort. I can't wait until Lila Eve is no longer pushing my stomach into my throat each day.  But mommy loves you little one :)

5) Boobs.  They're just out of control now.  I feel like they're stray dogs that need to be harnessed on a leash and inside a fence. 

6) You have to tell people no. It's hard and it sucks to do it, but the bigger you get, it's obvious that your life is heading for a change.  It's hard to be involved in every little thing. 

7) I'm not kicking myself for not working out every single day.  I walk, I do Pilates, yoga, and some weights.  But there are days where I rest on my couch and I'm not sad about it.  I wanted to be the pregnant lady doing Crossfit at 9 months pregnant, but it didn't turn out like that.  And I'm ok! I still feel pretty ok minus the usual aches and pains. 

I could go on and on, but those are just a few things.  Case in point, it's been real, it's been fun, but at times it hasn't been real fun.  But I know that the end result will result in a tiny piece of existence with Jarrett's dark features and hopefully my cute chipmunk cheeks and all will be right in the world that day in June.

So as I write this, I look at number 6 about slowing down in my career, and that's a BIT of a stretch because I did manage to add one more thing to my plate recently.  But it doesn't feel like work at all.  I became an independent consultant for Rodan + Fields May 1st.  I really wanted to try the products out because I used Proactiv forever and loved it but was also inspired by a sweet friend of mine that had started as a consultant with no sales experience and was doing really well.  Her enthusiasm was genuine.  And in the past several months, I had really thought to myself a few times, "what do I enjoy in life and what do I really want to do?" (total Carrier Bradshaw moment). 

So I'm giving it a whirl.  I have business cards.  Yes, I post on Facebook a lot.  You may see me review things from time to time.  You may love it or hate it and may not want to read all my plugs, but the truth is, these products work.  And not only that, I do feel like I'm helping people.  That's a big thing for me.  I have had a vision of helping women for a long time and just could not figure out how to do that professionally.  This is giving me an open door to pursue that.  Whether it becomes something large or just something fun on the side, I can't wait to see where I am months from now.  If you guys are interested in anything, please hit me up for information.

OK! Happy Mothers Day and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Enjoy your mom or anyone you consider a mom and celebrate her!