Saturday, December 27, 2014

15 Week Bumpdate and Slowing Down!

Hey guys! It's been about a month, sorry for the lack of posting. I promise I'm still around. I always forget how hard it is to blog during the holidays, and this year, we had a ton going on.  No wedding this time (thank goodness, that was a lot last year), but with our baby news, we had a lot of family to visit with in the past few weeks.  Holiday parties too. Celebrating a one year anniversary.  Both of us had crazy work schedules. We're packing to move into our new house in the next two weeks. Christmas was great and were both fortunate to finally spend a holiday in the same town for the first time in about 4 years.  

SO things have developed in the past few weeks.....

That's me at 13 weeks.  I told Jarrett to take this picture because there were a lot of requests from my out of town friends to see the bump.  It's definitely there.  I also worked a whole exhausting day and wolfed down some dinner before this, so a food baby is sitting on top of the real baby.  I also was super duper tired but trying to look perky. Don't judge me, that pregnancy fatigue is no joke. 

Today I'm at 15 weeks.  No new picture to post, but I'll try to put that up soon.  I'm blogging from Starbucks and feel kind of like a tool asking a random stranger to take a belly photo this morning :)  I'm pretty sure that I'll be all belly throughout this pregnancy.  I haven't gained any weight yet, which is odd to look down and see your waistline look totally different than it did a few weeks ago.  

Physically, I feel awesome.  Right around Thanksgiving, I started to feel a huge surge of energy, which is encouraging. Everyone told me that the second trimester would be the best 3 months of my life, so I'm definitely taking advantage of that right now.  I will not lie, I have avoided the gym for quite awhile.  Smelling sweat and being around a ton of people makes me anxious, so I'm doing more home workouts, walking and running.  I have lost some muscle tone after not doing anything for the entire month of November besides walk Boone.  There were just days where I would be so tired after work that it was all I could do to cook a pizza and take the dog out for a quick walk without wanting to immediately take a nap.  I napped in my car a few times.  I just learned to rest when I needed to.  So glad to have some energy back though.  I have enjoyed getting back outdoors and doing some workouts.  My husband has enjoyed me becoming his DD for the next 6-7 months.

Mentally and emotionally, I have my good days and bad days.  There was a Christmas commercial or 6 that I cried at. There were people that felt super opinionated about what I should and shouldn't be doing while pregnant, which has spontaneously made me want to throat punch them at times.  The hormone surges were really tough and made me feel less like my perky self.  Growing a human is no joke.  

Eating clean in general is just hard to do.  It's a lot of prep each week and it involves having the desire and taste for whole, natural foods.  I have craved pizza, pasta, cereal, and cheese for 12 weeks.  Major carb load. It feels like the night before a half marathon....just every day of my life for 3 months. Things like chick peas, broccoli, and spinach that I loved so much lost a ton of appeal.  But now that I'm feeling better, I'm enjoying fresh fruit and veggies again and back to some small meal prep.  I do feel like I need to eat immediately most days though, and have had some emergency situations to where I felt like I would panic if my soup and sandwich didn't materialize in front of me in less than 10 minutes.  I had a pregnant friend get super snippy one time at a waiter who didn't bring out her Mexican cheese dip quick enough.  I always thought that was hilarious until I pretty much came to a quick understanding of what she was going through recently.  MUST EAT NOW.

All in all, I'm hitting the sweet spot.  I feel healthy and more like myself.  One thing that I am learning to adjust to is telling myself to slow down.  And that it's OK to slow down.  You guys all know that before there was a baby on the way, I was working like a crazy nut and doing things after work like power lifting, pushing 150 pound sleds, and trying to squat my body weight.  I've cut back hours at work to 40 hours a week.  The industry in which I work is demanding and this time of the year is by far the craziest, but I had to scale it back in order to stay sane.  It's hard, because I'm usually an overachiever, but I have something more important going on right now that needs my attention.  I'm learning that it's fine to say no to certain things.  I'm typically a people pleaser and always feel the need to make everyone happy, but I'm quickly learning that is not longer my mojo while carrying a baby.  I have to focus on me and my little family right now.  I have to make decisions that I feel like are good for me, but that may not please everyone around me.  And you know what? It's OKKKKKKKKKKK.  It's OK to go on a run if I feel up to it.  It's OK to let my laundry go a few days.  Its OK if I feel like laying in my bed on Sunday on a gorgeous day and binge watching Netflix 80's movies. 

Hoping that all of you had a wonderful holiday with your friends and family.  Here's to an amazing 2015 full of love, laughter, and of course fitness :)