Monday, March 24, 2014

Return of the blog!

Hi guys!

I'm back! I know it's been awhile, and let me tell ya, it was hard to stay away from blog world.  I've been keeping up with all of my favorite bloggers and it just felt weird to not be blogging anymore.

So I'm making the effort to start back up again.  YAY!

In case you have questions about where I've been all this time, here are some answers.

I started a new job in January (same company, new position).  It was quite a change from what I was doing before and more demanding, but after over 2 months of doing this, I finally feel like I'm getting into the swing of things.  Sure, I had moments of crying in my kitchen floor some mornings and working until 11 some nights, but it's been worth it.  I've watched myself grow professionally for the first time in awhile and that is super rewarding.  

I will say, I miss my old team and they were awesome.  This is one of our last team pictures while the weather was great last fall.  My team now is about 3 times this size and the target demographic age is...23.  So, I'm an old lady. 

I got a haircut.  A short one.  Thank you J Law for the inspiration. NAILED IT. 

Jarrett and I did the typical married couple thing and went out and spontaneously decided we needed a dog.  2 months after being married, life was not full enough, so we rescued a fur baby.  His name is Boone.  He's a bluetick coonhound.  He is loud as hell, smelly, and he is a professional escape artist,  but we love him.  He's managed to escape his big metal crate about 5 times already before we wound up investing in a new one.  He's so proud when he unexpectedly greets us at the door.  Stinker.

  He's also blind in one eye and has some heart worm issues, so I'm glad we were able to give him a good home.  He's perfectly happy howling at us when he's hyper, spit-sneezing, or snoring from his bed on the floor.  

Isn't he cute?!??!?!??!?!

We love him (most days, other days we want to kill him, but he's great). 

I spontaneously started running again.  I haven't run in a REALLY long time, but I've found with this new job that I have to really take time to decompress.  I can totally get lost in a few miles.  It's a good thing.

The timing of getting Boone plus the awful winter weather has attributed to very little gym time though.  If you live in the south you know that wintertime has SUCKED a big fat one this year and that it's been brutally cold and is still cold today.  I mean, 54 degrees in late March is not the norm.  Plus anyone that says that Seasonal Affective Disorder isn't real has definitely not experienced wanting to live in your PJ pants by 5 PM every day.  But that being said, spring is slowly starting to show up and I have missed being outside.  My long walks with Boone and building up my mileage has been fun.  We have a small gym at our condo that I can use and I like the privacy. 

I haven't lifted heavy in awhile, which I miss, but that's a whole other story for a different day.   Maybe a new blog post on my new routine will shed some light on that.  

What else...well truth be told, between a new job, a new furry kid, starting to look for a house, and just new married things in general, I've definitely picked up some weight.  And I missed talking about my progress to the public and getting the encouragement from my blog friends and followers.  And posting pictures of muscled up extremities (right now their kinda flabby). 

Returning to blog world is all about accountability for me.  I feel like everyone that comments or reaches out to me is a giant mirror, and I need that. 

Yesterday, a girl I know from home on Tha Facebook mentioned that she ran 10 miles for her half marathon training.  I had maybe finished 2 that morning, but felt great.  And I let her know she was awesome and I kept thinking about if she were my running buddy, I knew she would be pushing me to do more.  I haven't seen her in probably 10 years, but you know what? She responded, and said "Yes, I would have said keep going!".  Love her energy and I'm really proud of her.  

That being said, it's time to show the love you guys.  This winter left me tired and loving pasta a little too much.  Did you know that this past Friday was exactly 90 days until summer officially starts? 70 if you truly want to start it on Memorial Day weekend.

What kind of changes can you make in 70-90 days?  

It feels awesome to start sharing my story again, this time, the chapters are a little different.  The story is still the same though.  Just looking to be as fit as I can physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Night you guys!